Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow falling down.... along with my mood

So I am officially completely moved into and settled into my house. Aside from the constant parade of 19 year old boys through the house it's really good. I'm sleeping good, saw a couple of old friends, and lost a few pounds. I have been in th crappiest mood though lately. This last week has been horrible. I have been sick with Influenza A for a over a week. So contagious that I didn't go to work at the hospital for 3 days and that I can't even go back to Emily's till next Monday!! I miss them so much!! Not only have I been sick but I have been in a depression. I've cried myself to sleep 3 out of 5 nights thinking about Kamryn. It just sucks and then I pull out the stuff that I have from the hospital thinking that it would make me feel better. Boy was I ever wrong. It made it 15 times worse. Also putting me in this depression was the death of my neighbor from the apartment, Alvis. The day I moved out she was taken to the hospital and she died Monday. Josh and I actually got together and went to her funeral. She was buried in Leopold, which is where Josh's family is originally from. As morbid as it may sound we walked around the cemetary and looked at all the headstones and found the kids. I was so shocked by all the dead babies with his last name out there. Maybe its something that runs in his family. I couldn't help but wonder that as we walked through. That is the first time that we talked since I left there. I happened to learn a lot more heartwrenching things about my relationship right before I moved my things. As much as I knew it was failing I never would have thought that they could be that horrible. Kamryn's 1 year is quickly approaching and I have no idea what to do with myself. I don't know if I should celebrate the day or mourn the day. Anyone have any ideas? Let me know. Snow is falling down so hard tonight that school has been closed for everyone tomorrow. So much that as much work as I've missed the last week I am seriously considering calling in and hanging out with my new friend Jordan. Snow and winter just make me depressed. Then you throw in the month of February and it just throws everything off. Oh I forgot to mention that one of the teenage girls I used to work with found out she was pregnant on Halloween this last year (the same day I did) is having a girl and has an ultrasound on February 5th ( the same day we found out something was wrong) and is due July 1st instead of July 2nd (like me). As much as I want to be happy it's just really hard. Okay enough from me. Hope everyone enjoys the weather.

1 comment:

Michele said...

I have been wondering all week how you were handling the approaching day. Here's how I could imagine spending the day: going to cemetery, looking thru her stuff, having lunch with someone you are close to, buying a small trinket in honor of her, light a candle and let yourself cry, I would suggest planting something in her honor but it may be too cold, and then do something therapeutic like scrapbook. I would let the day just unfold, you may just want to stay home and cry, what's wrong with that...just please let me know if there's anything I can do, I will be there for you if you need me, just say the word. I hope that all those who care about you will surround you with love on that day, I hate to think of you being alone all day, though part of the day would be nice to be alone and reflect.
Love you,