Or maybe it's my fault for opening my big mouth. When someone is talking about the horrible things that they endure during pregnancy I find myself saying "oh yeah well for 5 months of my pregnancy I was vomitting. It was so bad I lost 40 lbs." Then the famous question: when did you have a baby? This question has been asked by everyone. Including my supposed friends. It's been almost 11 months and they have no idea? If they were my so called friends wouldn't they know? They do live in the same town that my mother does. It was in the local papers. Then they want to act concerned. Kasey if you need me call me, be strong you'll make it. Well no shit if I wasn't strong how would I have made it this far? As far as calling you goes I don't need your sympathy once again I've dealt with it this long I don't need one more person trying to "help" me.