Some people are so completely oblivious to things that can go wrong during your pregnancy. Even when a doctor, hospital staff, and your friends tell you. Example: My friend M had a beautiful baby girl A in December 2006. When I lost Kamryn she wanted to know everything that happened and how she could help me. Even though at times she was very insensitive. She would tell me how horrible of a baby A was and all of these things as a mother we wish we could have to deal with. In September when I found out she was pregnant I about fell out of my chair! She got pregnant because and I quote " I miss my belly". WHAT?! You can't even afford the child you have now. I can't count the number of times I had to go and buy A baby food or formula. I loved that baby (and deep down I really love M) so much that I couldn't deprive her of anything. Friday night she called me at about 3 am and asked me (she has a fiance that lives with her) to go to the hospital with her because she was having cramps. I had my own little medical emergency that morning so I didn't quite comprehend what she was saying. I called her the next morning and she said that she was in preterm labor when she got there and they put her on bed rest. J called me that night at work and said that he saw her that evening at Wal-Mart. So I called her and was like why aren't you in bed? She said that there was nothing on tv and that she was bored! I said "M, do you have any idea what could happen if you don't follow doctors orders?" She said no. Working in a hospital I had already called to OB to ask and I told her that if she doesn't stay in bed that the placenta could erupt and the baby could die. All I got out of her was and "OH thats nice". In the last few days I've tried to go over to her house and help her as much as possible since they just moved into a new place. She won't sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time. She was supposed to make a doctors appt for Monday and still hasn't and yet she's going back to work in the morning!!! I know that what she does is none of my business but as a mother here in deadbabyland it wrenches my heart to know that she could join us here if she's not careful. J said that he thinks M might think that I'm just trying to scare her or that I'm overreacting. I lost my baby! Why would I want anyone that didn't have to go through that? If I knew that I could've saved Kamryn from staying in bed, I would have had a catheter put in and never left. Isn't it amazing how some people think that they are invincible?
10 years ago
1 comment:
That's really sad that she isn't listening. She needs to come to work with me and see all these micropreemies and the problems they have.
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